Thursday, March 6, 2008

Xrays from a Supernova

So, I feel like I'm just full of random useless facts today.

1. Patrick Swayze and his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer--I do feel bad about this. I've heard some conflicting reports regarding his prognosis, but in reality, pancreatic cancer is never good. I hope he had the time of his life! (is it mean to say that?)

2. Henry the Hexapus--so apparently there was this octopus in an aquarium in London, which nobody thought was anything but the ordinary. Until one day he put himself up against the glass, and the passersby counted not 8, not 7, but only 6 tentacles! Apparently when octopi lose their limbs, they grow back, but it seems that Henry had a birth defect instead. The aquarium he is at started calling him Henry due to 1. the alliteration, and 2. the fact that Henry VIII should have had eight wives, but in actuality only had six.

I am seriously considering going to London to see said hexapus. My dad said I should just look at an octopus and cover up two of the tentacles, but seriously, it's not like Henry can reproduce and make more hexapi. If there were such an animal in existence that was the only one of it's kind and would never exist again, wouldn't you want to be able to say you saw it? I would. I think this is what fourth year of medical school is all about--travelling across the world to see mystical creatures of the deep.

3. Xrays from a Supernova--My dad told me yesterday about a supernova that was discovered 8,000 light years away that is emitting xray beams. The supernova is spiral shaped and it emits these beams from the center. The issue is, no one knows when the xray beams were emitted--today, or 8,000 light years ago? Apparently as soon as they hit Earth it'll be fried. Personally, I think it would be worth it to die by XRay beams from a supernova.

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