Thursday, March 20, 2008


So, if anyone has not heard yet, I have matched in general surgery at the University of Texas Medical Branch, in Galveston, Texas. This was my #8 choice, so, needless to say, I was very disappointed.

It was a difficult situation to be in, at this stupid match day ceremony. Everyone gets their envelope and then there's an airhorn blown and everyone opens their envelopes at the same time. I was a little slower than most at opening mine, and my sister was yelling at me to go faster.

Everyone around me was cheering and screaming and hugging and taking pictures. As soon as I saw the name of the program, I immediately (and I mean, immediately) broke down and started sobbing. I cannot express in words the immediate sadness and dread that I felt. After sitting there for a while, I put my sunglasses on and went outside with my family.

After doing some research and digging up my stuff from my interview at UTMB, I am feeling a little bit better. It's just so far away (1200 miles, 19 hours by car, and approximately $900 for UHaul truck rental alone (not including gas, that is)). And it's five long years.

The benefits of living in Galveston include:

1. The beach! The weather averages 57 degrees in winter months and 81 degrees in summer months. Maybe I will be tan year-round, eh?

2. Solid program. Really, it is. In Texas it's known as "trauma-rama" and they get all the prisoners from the entire state of Texas (I love prisoner patients!).

3. Family in Austin and Fort Worth.

4. Two other OSU grads are going to UTMB--one in anesthesia and one in plastics--so I'll be working with them quite a bit, which should be fun.

5. No Texas state income tax.

6. Affordable, good housing close to medical center.

I will keep telling myself these things. I will also continue to tell myself that it's not permanent. I can always come back up here for my fellowship or an attending position. And who knows, maybe I'll meet some Texas hunk and become a lifer??

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