Thursday, March 20, 2008

Counting Down the Minutes.....

So, feeling the anxiety of the upcoming match day celebration, my roommate and I planned several activities for today to take our minds of the suspense/possible agony:

Turbo Jam (ok, I did this, and she watched)
Full-body massages (my first ever--awesomeness)
Delicious dinner
$1 movie (Alvin and the Chipmunks--also awesomeness)
American Idol (finally, Amanda got kicked off)
Jenga (Nerves + wobbly table=Casey going 0/3 in this game)
Baking (gluten-free cupcakes and a delicious post-match Funfetti cake to be consumed tomorrow)
Movie (Radio)

Now I will attempt some sleep.

Tomorrow is the match ceremony, where we all file in at 11:30am, where they make us sit for 30 minutes while they drone on about statistics concerning where and in what OSU students matched. Then at exactly 12:00pm EST all fourth year medical students across the country will open their envelopes (insert screaming or crying here).

Afterwards, I have organized a tasty celebratory dinner at my fave restaurant (Max and Erma's, of course), for my families. I'm really excited about tortilla soup and a southern chicken salad, no tomatoes, ranch dressing on the side. Not that I've been there before or anything.

Will update again soon! I have also composed a mass email, so hopefully everyone who reads this should be on there. Thanks for the support!

9 hours
29 minutes

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