Wow, I can't believe I've written so many posts.....
In any case, I know it's been forever since I wrote last, but blame it on the fact that I have been all around the state of Texas, homeless, and now, still, internet-less. I don't have the energy to write too much about what I've been up to. But I will give a quick rundown of my latest activities, and will have to post some pictures at a later date (I'm in Ohio now, so my pics are not on this computer).
1. Disneyworld! Yes, indeed, my dad, sister, and I went to the "Happiest Place on Earth." Seriously, it is. My dad said, "do we really have to have our picture taken with every character?" To which we replied, "of course!!"
2. Minnesota Twins Spring Training. Yes, I'm a huge loser and actually went to Fort Meyers, Florida by myself and saw the Twins play. I know it's dorky, but it was so fun to be there, surrounded by people who were as equally (or moreso) excited about the Twins season as I was/am. Even got my picture taken with TC Bear.
3. Working. A lot. I just finished up two months of work at St. Joseph Medical Center in Houston, a private hospital where we rotate. It's a good place to be, not only because they gave me free housing and food, but also because you get to work with a lot of different docs who are good at teaching, and you get to do a lot of cases. I'm grateful for that experience, because I am slowly gaining some confidence and experience in the OR.
4. Weddings galore! I have (so far) been invited to 10 (yes, I really meant TEN) weddings for the 2009 calendar year. I have made 3 so far, which have been super fun. So, even though I haven't been paying any rent, all my money has been going to flying around the country and cleaning out bridal registries. It was worth it though.
5. Skydiving! Last weekend I went skydiving with my friend Lisa. Indeed, I jumped out of a plane at 15,000 feet, and lived to tell about it. It was weird; when you're free-falling at 120mph, you really don't feel like you're falling--it's mostly just a lot of air in your face. Then you (hopefully) pull the parachute and serenely float around the atmosphere before (hopefully) peacefully landing on the ground below. The only time I was nervous was when I was at the door to the plane, and I thought to myself, "what in the WORLD am I doing???" Then I realized there was only one way out of the situation, and that was down...very far down. Then he pushed me out.
6. Moving! I have rented a newly-rennovated house with one other resident, and I finally got all my possessions out of storage and into my new abode. I'm really really excited just to have an address, a real bed, a kitchen (so I can start my incessant baking), and my life back. Nevermind the cockroach I found in my bed last week.
7. Vacation! Just as I was getting settled back in Galveston, I hopped on a plane to Ohio for the week, which is where I am now. My goals for the week include eating all my favorite foods, seeing all my favorite people, and enjoying the goodness that is the state of Ohio. Ok, I'm not really sure what that last phrase meant, but it is a catch-all for all the fun stuff that exists in Columbus. I'm going to revel in it.
That's all I have right now. I'm off to dinner with a friend, then back in time to watch the newest episode of the Bachelorette. Woo hoo!
Stay tuned for some pics.