Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Phew! Time Flies!

Holy moley, ain't that the truth? I cannot believe it's almost 2010--but I'm glad about that. Although I have to admit, 2009 has been infinitely better than 2008. So what does 2010 hold? It's a mystery! Anyway, I jump ahead.

What have I been up to in the last 2 months while I slacked off and did not update? Here's a quick rundown:

1. Two months in the SICU--I love the SICU! The nurses are amazing (see above), the patients are super sick (but most of them improve), and the teaching is fantastic. Seriously considering it for a fellowship at some point in the future.

2. Two months of Burn Surgery (currently)--it's super hot (like 95 degrees in the OR), and super sad. These patients are super sick (and a good portion of them don't improve). :( I'm just trying to get through it.

3. Halloween stuffs--ok, so my roommate and I ordered Halloween costumes, and we didn't even wear them on the actual day...whatever. We did have a pumpkin carving party though, which was a hit!

4. Christmas time is coming up! My roommate and I went to the Festival of Lights at Moody Gardens, which was pretty good. Although we went on opening night and like 25% of the lights were out--we want our money back! All $5.95 of it.

5. Texas Renaissance Festival--my first time experiencing the madness. Of course I joined in the madness by wearing an "authentic" Renaissance outfit, worn by thousands of people before me, but it was totally worth it. :)

That's pretty much it. It seems that we have avoided any further hurricanes this year--hip hip hooray! Let's go for another 99! :)


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