Thursday, February 26, 2009

I can't think of a good title

Hello readers,

I don't have much to say, except for the fact that I continue to be amazed by how many people have read this blog. Just the other day, I was standing outside the elevators at work, and a woman came up to me and said, "I really enjoyed your blog!" For the life of me, I have never seen this woman in my life. And even my students have said to me, "you look really familiar..." Random.

In any case, life is still chaos. I have tried to look for a new apartment in Galveston, but most of them are either being rennovated or very expensive. I'm also going to be back in Houston for April and May, where they house me for free, so I'm not sure if it's worth it to look for a new place just yet. So I'm living on my friend's floor, on an air mattress. Don't worry, it's a very comfortable air mattress, and I think my spine is getting used to having no support whatsoever.

As for work, I'm finishing up a month of transplant surgery. It's actually really interesting, but long hours. On Sunday I'm going to be starting cardiothoracic surgery, which I'm pumped about. I did an away rotation in CT during my fourth year,so I don't feel like a complete retard when it comes to CT-type things. We'll see.

On a more exciting note, my dad, my sister, and I are going to Orlando, Florida for vacation in March! We all happen to have the same spring break, which is probably never going to happen again, so we've planned a trip to Orlando, where we're going to hang out with Mickey and Shamu and all of their friends! It's going to be awesome.

Anyway, that's all I have to say. I actually have the day off, and have actually been pretty productive. Gotta work out and get ready for American Idol tonight! :)

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