Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike Update #9

Friday, September 12, 2008, 6:38pm

So, apparently Ike is "tightening" as it's reaching the shore. Apparently the storms normally are downgraded a Category as they get closer to land, but for some reason the eye is getting smaller, which is worse.

Above is a picture of the ER door, and a backup air conditioner that was placed in the ER. And the third picture is a view from the ER (we're not allowed outside anymore). It's starting to get really gray and rainy.

There's also a yacht building that caught fire, and the fire engines are 400 feet away and can't get any closer due to the flooding.

As I was just typing this, we lost power. So I don't know how much more I'm going to be able to write or call. I'll try my best to keep everyone updated. I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to get a little down. I'm worried about my apartment and thinking of everyone up north.


Mrs. Bob said...

just found your blog... here in canada we're thinking of you and praying!
thanks for the updates... please keep them up as long as you can!

Sara Ryerson, LCSW said...

I'm a friend of your Aunt Peggy - we're hanging on to every post and sending tons of prayers from Illinois!

Laurie Karr said...

Hang in there Casey - we are all thinking of you up here in Buckeye land! What you are doing is soooo important, don't get down!! If you get really bored just think of all the really crappy swim sets you could be doing isntead :)

Magoo said...

HAHah I was reading the comments...doesn't AUNT PEGGY sound funny? Even to me....Maybe someone should tell Sara it is Aunt Gerie....hahah hope sara doesn't read this...then all of bloomington will know its GERT!!!!!
(LOL I know I leave long posts)