Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hurricane Ike Update #26

Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 2:24pm

They are slowly letting people onto the island, (although I think it is only if you beg and show your UTMB ID) and people are finally getting to see their homes, or what is left of them. But I wanted to share a few personal stories that I have received (names removed) from my fellow surgery residents. I hope reading these makes the destruction a little more personal...

My Galveston visit:
I drove to the island today. The destruction is heart breaking.

I found my condo completely destroyed. I got almost 4 feet of water inside my house (up to kitchen counter). Furniture floated during the raised waters. Everything was disarranged beyond imagination. The dirty water smell and heavy air hit my face when I walked in. I've never been in so much shock.

I was not ready for so much damage (and I know no one is). While having a look I though I can only save the most important things and those that are not so important but meaningful. At least I was able to recovered most of my surgery text books and some clothing. My place will need complete reconstruction.

At least I am safe, healthy, have a place to stay, and a residency to continue with life.

MY advise for those who live in Galveston: GO NOW and assess your property or valuables. IF something can be safe from the mud, water and moisture, now is the time. The roads are clean to drive. Be safe, we got hit by another car on Broadway (even before I got to my place!). The check point to get into the island will ask for drivers license, you can also show UTMB ID. Remember the curfew - 6am to 6pm.

I just got a call from a friend that was able to get on the island yesterday and he went by our house in Fish Village. He wasn't able to get inside but he said the water line was above his head. We had just bought this house and completely redid it ourselves. My husband had just refinished all the wood floors and repainted all the rooms and ceilings. He had just completed the total gutting of the bathroom and rebuilding of it. He had just built a wood fence and gate that is completely demolished. With the water line being where it is means that everything we own was under water and destroyed. Our friend said it smelled like filth and death. No amount of insurance can replace what we have lost. We are just trying to stay positive and remember what we do have. All of you are in my prayers.

Another resident told me yesterday that his home had 30 inches of standing water in it.

Another resident told me their entire garage was flooded and their home had about a foot of water in it. Many items were damaged, including their hardwood floors, furniture, and kitchen appliances.


I am still in Ohio (where many people's homes had damage and many are still out of power). More to come.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing these stories. "Heart breaking" is exactly the right term!

Anonymous said...

Thanks sharing. I am so touched by people's fortitude and the reminder that we are what's important. Everything can be replaced, even mementos and memories (of course we still regret what we lose).
You all in my prayers.