Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurricane Ike Update #19

Sunday, September 14, 2008, 2:44pm

"Air freshener is not going to be the cure for this place."

Haha, I decided to make that the quote for this post, since the hospital reeks! We tried to search through some cleaning supplies for some bleach or air freshener, but we didn't have much luck except some odor remover we found at the nurses' station.

We are all getting frustrated. This is no longer a "fun camping trip." And it's true that "there's nothing we can do about it," but that just makes it all the more frustrating. We are allowed to be frustrated. People in the outside world don't know what it's like in here. It stinks. Literally.

I want to make it clear to everyone reading this that I am not in a position to go around and check out specific addresses. If I start to do that, I will never hear the end of it. And besides, we are not allowed to be gone long from the hospital, and I don't have a car anyway. Later on tonight I will comment on the four locations where the other surgery residents live, and the rest can be extrapolated.

I'm sorry this is such a crabby post. But, I'm trying to post the honest truth about what's going on in here. And this is it.


Anonymous said...

A little crabbiness is understandable at this point, Chief.

I hope things get better soon. We're praying for you.

Anthony & Liz

extrachoc453 said...

Casey, I have been following your blog since before Ike made landfall, I am glad your apartment was ok, and I am very sorry that some of the others with you may not be. I am praying for the best for all of you. I hope they let you out of there soon, I would expect that you are very frustrated siiting there with the smell and the unsanitary conditions, do they want the Dr.'s sick, I mean really, that would be a real problem.

Anyhow I hope you all get to leave soon and they get someone in there to clean that mess up.

Take care and my prayers are with you all,

Unknown said...

Hey Casey,

I just found your blog today, and it is amazing what the city and hospital are going through this weekend.

I will be praying that the next week goes well for you as you await normalcy to return.

-- Erik

Anonymous said...

Glad your apartment weathered the storm ok. I think some crabbiness is understandable too. Thanks for any info you can relay (I know it must get annoying to have people ask you about individual places)!

Unknown said...

I validate your feelings of crabbiness.
You could try rubbing something under your nose that smells good or wearing a handkerchief over your nose like a bandit.
That's all I can think of. Sorry, not much help.
I say embrace the crabbiness. Don't feel bad about it. You have every right to be crabby particularly since it stinks. Stinking sucks.
Nothing like stating the obvious, right?
Well, hang in there. I am thinking of you- seeing good smelling thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

I know that you are getting problems without light,airconditioning and the crappy smell.
I hope that you do get allowed sometime soon to go off campus to take some rest since there isnt much you can do for the patients.Good that you informed "outside world" about the situation there.
And well lets hope UTMB starts working again real soon so that you can continue your regular residency work.Take care

Muhammad Burhan

Ms. Becky said...

Hi Casey,

I could never endure what you are enduring right now. This being said, it's obvious God put you there at this exact moment for this exact purpose. It doesn't make it feel any better or make a better situation out of what a disaster it is, but it proves what a strong person you are to get through it and do so with a much more positive attitude than the average person. Hang in there and know that your hard work is puttin a smile on God's face and the face of those people in need that you are comforting and taking care of.

~Becky Bynard

Anonymous said...


I stumbled on your blog, and all I can say is thank you so much for posting pictures. My sister and grandmother live in Galveston, and it has been incredibly frustrating for all of us to keep staring at the same reporters for days on end. It's nice to have another perspective. Good luck, and I hope your workload from idiots that want darwin awards is light, and that you get power back on soon.


Laurie Karr said...

Hey Casey!
Hang in there!

We are starting to get some Ike wind in Columbus (crazy). They are calling it near Hurricane force winds, we don't have power and trees are falling everywhere. you guys had twice the strength of this - I can't imagine how much that sucked.

Can't you flush the toilets with a bucket of the water filling the basement?

Can you check on my friends house (ha - just kidding)!

We are all praying for you - I gave your blog address to Momma Hillier- thay all say hang in there!

Love - Laurie, Rick, Mak & Jeremy

Anonymous said...

Hey Casey,

Glad to hear that you are safe... Sorry, to hear about the huge mess that has resulted. Hope everything gets straightened out ASAP... it's ridiculous that you have to stay at the stinky hospital when no surgeries are going to be performed!

Love reading the blog... keep your spirits high!
Christina B.

Unknown said...

Hey Casey... its Nick (pgy2).

First of all, we all have to say thanks for taking the time/dedication to be able to keep up with this blog with all that was going on there. With the power outages, and the terrible local news coverage, it was definitely frustrating to get ANY news about UTMB, or the rest of Galveston.

Seriously... they spent about 36hours of combined news coverage on the demise of Hooters and the Bailaneese room. Why? Because it was accessible, and people like to see a bunch of wood and destruction. I was not impressed.

But, this blog is something that should be immortalized amongst the UTMB records... truly historic. Maybe the IS department can give you a link from the homepage.

Anyways, just let everybody know that they're all in our thoughts/prayers. It looks like it could have been a lot worse... but for now, I just hope they're able to get you guys out of there ASAP.

Take care... please let us know if we can be of any assistance.