Sunday, September 14, 2008, 10:51 am
So, the other residents and I decided to venture out individually to our homes, then we're going to reconvene after lunch to walk around the island some. Sorry for the delay in island damage pictures, and the ones I did upload are not in order, since I had to upload so many.
As for my apartment, I have minimal damage. You can see in some of the pictures above that there was quite a few trees blown down and debris. You can also see the water level on the side of my apartment building, and I live on the second floor, with the Xs on the sliding glass door. I had to step over a lot of debris to get up the stairs to my apartment. I did have some water come in under the front door, likely due the "wind-drive rain," but luckily my rug stopped most of it, and none of the water got on my carpet. I think my sliding glass door came off it's track as well, since some of the blinds got knocked down. The parking area of my apartment is nasty and covered in mud as well. While I was there I did snag some more clothes and some canned food. I didn't have the energy to tackle the refridgerator and whatever is growing inside of it...(by the way, I am kind of annoyed that at some point I'm going to have to make my way to the grocery store and restock my entire refridgerator--condiments and all).
Outside the hospital is mostly just wet, muddy, and covered in debris. You can see a huge tree blocking the sidewalk I usually take to work!
Apparently they are also bringing in some De-mat people--I don't know what that stands for, but apparently they are like mobile healthcare people, that set up tents and can take some of the pressure off the ER.
I also wanted to comment on some of the feelings of the residents at this time. One, regarding the people coming to the hospital for help: it's a little frustrating. When I went down to the ER for the first time yesterday, I was just overwhelmed with feelings of annoyance, and almost anger. I mean, these people had the opportunity to leave the island, even the transportation was provided for them, and they refused. There have even been some people bringing their children with them to the ER. You can endanger your own life, but don't endanger your children's lives just because you're stubborn. I mean, these injuries could have been prevented.
Also, we're not really sure what we're doing here, as far as us surgery residents. Like I mentioned before, we're not going to do surgery and we're not going to suture up any we're just waiting around in this hot, stinky, dark hospital. We are in no way capable of taking care of patients at UTMB at this point, except for some minor cuts and scrapes, so why are they making us stay? To quote George Costanza, "the residents are getting frustrated!!!"
Although I have to say once again thank you a million times over for everyone who is posting and calling and texting and sending their thoughts and prayers. Every post I get I share with the other surgery residents, and it brings us relief daily to know that we are not forgotten. I feel truly blessed to--literally--have people all over the country thinking about and praying for us. I especially feel blessed that my apartment is still standing and livable. I'm afraid that some of the other residents may not be so lucky, and I may have a couple new roommates for a while if worse comes to worse...
I am glad to hear that your place is ok. You are doing a great job and will have an adventure that you can tell about your whole life.
You were mentioned at church today. I gave your blog address to someone Friday who passed it around and Steve Harsh mentioned you during prayer time. I know it stinks now (no pun intended), but even blogging and being there may help someone and who knows what medical needs you can help with in the next few days.
Love Daddo
Casey, I stumbled upon your blog while searching for pictures of Galveston. I am totally at a loss for words. I am live in Northern California and I am responding just to let you know that there is another person out here that cares about you and the others hunkered down at the hospital. Prayers being said for you all. Your choice of being a caring and giving person to our fellowpeople is so admirable (even the dumb ones). I sure hope y'all are getting overtime. LOL! Take care, and God bless ~~Annette
Than you for the continued updates. Can anyone provide me any pictures or information regarding the amount/type of damage done to homes in the Ball St./6-7th St. area. My son and daughter-in-law are students at UTMB. We have been unable to find any info and it would be reassuring just to know they've still got their home. Thank you so much.
hope all is well, these updates are great! would you happen to know anything about the chateau lafitte apartments on holiday and winnie?
Hi Casey!
I'm a med student from UTMB, I live (lived?) in fish village. It's near impossible for us to get any information on how our homes held up and what the damage is.
If any residents venture that way, could you please post information for us as to what you guys are seeing in the neighborhoods surrounding UTMB?
Any help is appreciated. Keep blogging! It's one of the only sources of information we have from UTMB!!!
Thanks!! Keep your spirits up! Your dad was right, you are helping people! If not patients, us!!! :)
Thanks so much for the updates!! I'm an intern at UTMB. We're all thinking of you guys and hoping for the best for everyone stuck at the hospital. Unfortunately I heard they're still not letting anyone back on the island to relieve you guys yet or check on our homes, but we're ready.
God bless you! After searching the web and continuiously flipping through TV channels I've finally found some info about the UTMB area. Keep up the great reporting because it's reaffirming just to know that you're "looking out" for all of us. Please-if you have any photos or news of the homes in the area let us know. Knowing (whether it's good or bad) at least gives us hope. Thank you for everything you are doing for everyone!
Thank you for the updates. I read an article that made me a bit nervous saying that my area was heavily damaged. I am also a student at UTMB and appreciate you updating us. I was wondering if you had any pictures or heard of anything around the 1st street area, the townhomes there that across from casa caribe. Thanks and goodluck with everything.
Caso - thank God about your place. Awesome news! Also, thank God you decided to get that 2nd "guest" room. All in His plan!
Hey Casey:
Thanks a million for the invaluable service you provide by way of this blog. It is through this blog that we have a glimpse of life in Galveston and while we recognize that you signed up to be a Surgeon and not a journalist, you being there and feeding these info to the outside world highlights the selfless service of medicine.
Mariam (your fellow Surgery Intern who is currently in Dallas) and I send you our love and encourage you to hang in there. We get the sense of your frustration being there in that condition but we hope you know that this "service" is not "small" and wish that you draw inner strength to keep on keeping on...
Willy & Mariam
I was linked to your blog via Facebook...a friend of your aunt's posted it and we have been lurking....I have been strongly encourageing the children (my own and the neighborhood) in this house read it as they are totally put out with the 40 mph winds in Kentucky...that have delayed baseball...told them they should get their priorities in order.......after reading your blogs they have readjusted their attitudes and want to go shopping...they think you need lots of candy because chocolate always makes you feel better...keep up the good have given the human touch to what is otherwise just another weather story!
I am so glad your apartment is okay! Thank goodness!
Hang in there at the hospital. I can understand how it is super frustrating. You are gaining invaluable experience, even if it's not surgical.
Take care and now I am going to read your next post!
I understand your frustration, particularly when it comes to people putting their children in harm's way. Your blog has been great to follow, and I hope you guys can escape soon!
Hey Casey,
Thanks for keeping us updated. This is Youshi the guy who helped you when you were locked out hehe. Looks like my apt is completely gone... Good luck with everything there at UTMB and our prayers are with you.
You're a wonderful human being. I know how tired/stressed/frustrated you must have been but yet you thought enough of us folks that were lucky enough to evacuate to let us know what to expect when we get back. We LOVE you!
I noticed your red gloshes boots - they are so you and I can see you wearing them up here in Ohio. Ike has now left 300,000 (including me) here with no power, but that's not much compared to your experience. We are definitely thinking of you and pray for you often. Let us know if you need anything once you get moved along.
I just wanted to say thanks for blogging about your experiences during this difficult time. My brother is a student at UTMB and I was wondering if you knew if the small apartment building at 13th and Strand (next to campus) survived (or if the roof, windows, etc. were damaged). Thanks again and I wish you the best of luck. Keep up the good work!
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