Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike Update #15

Saturday, September 13, 2008, 4:24 pm

Sorry for the delay in posting--I'm sure all my readers must be in suspense! Heehee, just kidding. I'll try to give some updates:

Facilities--We are still out of power. In addition, overnight about half the generators broke, so the ER and a good portion of other buildings were out of power. John Sealy Towers still have generator function. I just woke up from a nap, and it seems like all the generators are now functioning. The elevators still aren't working, and I tell ya, I'm getting really tired of taking the stairs! Some of the nurses on the 8th floor rigged up a TV with some emergency power, so earlier today we all went and gathered around it (see picture), but most all the reports were about Houston, because no one can get into Galveston yet. The basement is still flooded, and a lot of it is sewage, since the city drains drain to the bay, and everything got backed up from there. Eww. There are several broken windows and some water damage, and I think one of the buildings caught on fire, but I'm not 100% sure. Oh yeah, an we don't have any running water, so toilets are a prime comodity (if you catch my drift), and showers are an impossibility. Add that to the no air conditioning (and the sewage smell), and you can imagine we're in for a ride...

Patients--we have started to get a slow trickle of patients as people are able to make their way to the hospital. So far nothing surgical, a lot of bumps and bruises. When the ER generator was out, they had to temporarily move the ER to the Surgical ICU (see above), but with the return of the generator, it' back to it's normal location. There are many helicopters going in and out, with search and rescue as their first priority.

Food--so, this is becomming an issue. They still don't know how long we're going to be here, so they are rationing the food. That makes me cranky! Good thing we brought some snacks. They have some bottled water and big gallon jugs, but people are only being allowed 1 bottle at a time.

The island--so far we know very little about what the rest of the island looks like. The streets outside the hospital (except for Harborside, which has already drained) are still underwater, and we've not been allowed outside. I guess there were quite a few house fires, but actually, news crews have not been able to even get on the island to document what the damage is. And of course the firefighters and rescue teams are having a hard time getting around the island as well. I have taken a few pictures from the ambulance bay--notice the shrimp boat up on the dock!

Us--so we finally got a picture of our surgery team--that's us outside the ER with our chief trauma surgeon and fearless leader, Dr. Mileski. Everyone's spirits are pretty much up, although I have to admit, I am so sweaty and tired and dehydrated, but am afraid to drink too much for fear of not having anyplace to pee. I also didn't get much sleep last night, because, as I realized, it's hard to sleep when you don't know if you're going to have a place to live. I did in fact call in to CNN early this morning, about 4:30am central time. Apparently I was on live, so who knows how many people heard me! Kind of fun.

I'm glad to be back in touch. I know this blog keeps everyone else informed, but it is also good for my own sanity in keeping in touch with the outside world.

I'll try to post more after dinner. Thanks for the happy thoughts and prayers, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the info. I have been searching for an update on Pelican Island for my daughter (TAMUG) and you are the closest I have found. She wants to know if she still has a school left.

Anonymous said...

I work for a hospital in North MS and have been trying to keep in touch with what is happening there in Houston. Between you and a COS at LBJ Hospital in Houston I have been able to keep up with what is going on. I am glad to hear that you all have made it through the actual storm and hope that you all make it through the recovery and clean-up.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everyone made it through the storm. Nice photo on the roof - I see America's Top Model potential. They hopefully will get the food situation straitened out soon - remember the movie Alive, just kidding. Keep posting

Bye the way you know whose idea it was to call Anderson Cooper.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for keeping us informed! Take care. I heard they were going around with a diesel fuel truck to keep generators running at health care facilities :o) Love ya!

Magoo said...

SO I waited up all night to hear DR CASEY BOYD on ANderson Cooper (even tho I had to be up for a Swim meet at 5:30) I waited till about 3 my time then fell asleep. Got up at 530 and it was still ona nd then got in the shower...while i was practicing my hygiene you called CNN and I didnt get to hear you...but have NO FEAR, I 'googled' CNN and found the Convo that you had and thought it was awesome...and Aunt Jane said it...wheres a good Tub of UTZ when you need it?!

Anonymous said...

Thank You so much. My parent apartment looks at the UTMB Parking lot and I was trying to get an update on that area. All the news is showing the seawall or the west end of the island that is tore up. My parents like on strand street on the 1st floor, hope not to badly flooded.

Anonymous said...

Hey Casey, I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright. I've been praying for you. Thanks for keeping me up to date with the blog and the text. My phone is messed up and I can't send text messages so I thought I'd send you this. I will continue to pray for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear the spirits are doing ok. I see your ladybug boots in the first picture, glad they came in handy and made it into a picture :-) We are all thinking of you. We appreciate all your updates, all the people and all the ones who don't know you are sitting on the edge of their seats to hear what else is happening. I wish CNN would contact you again, send their reporter to you to show what it's like. Keep up the good work, we're hanging on every picture and word.