Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike Update #14

Friday, September 12, 2008, 11:40pm

So, I apologize in advance for these horrible pictures, but it was the best I could get with the crazy wind and rain. Just imagine that that was all I could see. The video isn't that great either, but you can hear the wind and see the camera moving all around as I was taping.

Some of the ER nurses took me out back to the north entrance of the ER, which is on Harborside Drive. The street is completely flooded, some of the boats have gotten loose, and there are 3 foot high waves ON the street! You can't see anything. When I was running back in, I was actually running at a diagonal because of the wind!

OH! The update on Anderson Cooper. First of all, apparently my blog was found somewhere on (I did email it to them, after all), but I can't seem to find it. If anyone has the link, please let me know! I got another call from CNN tonight, and they actually want to talk to me after the storm, approximately 4:15am Texas time. So they are going to call me, but if my cell phone doesn't work, then I'm supposed to call them. More after that!


Anonymous said...

I hope everyone's spirits are positive. When the storm passes, you will be able see what all the damage is. You may not get much sleep after that. It will be a very interesting morning, in the daylight.
We all love your blog and hope you can continue--do you have enough batteries? It does feel like we are there with you since you update us so regularly and with pictures and video! You are awesome!

DeAnna Ball said...

I've been searching online for AC360's use of your blog--haven't found it yet. I'll keep you posted. THANKS for the blog updates--fascinating, scary, and strangely intriguing. I hope all is well.

mdbarajaz said...

I'm an alummni of UTMB (SOM '97) and heard you on CNN in the wee hours of the morning last night. I have been searching this morning for some updates on the situation there during the "blackout" period-your blog was a nice first person account. Thanks. We are just now starting to get pictures of some of the damage there- unbelievable. I lived in the Phi Chi house while there which I'm sure if still standing at all must have sustained some major damage. I know y'all will be working hard over the next fer days. Best of luck and hang in there.

Dining with the Rissers said...

Do you have any updates on the West Beach area of the island? My grandparents' house is there and they are desperately seeking an update.

Anonymous said...

UTMB alumni (SOM '87) Thanks for your postings to see what's happenning. I was there for smaller huricaines... the photos of all the damage are so impressive. Hope your place survived and you and friends/co-workers will do good work in the hospital. (As a Pedi resident, I worked with Dr. Richardson years ago. I see in your photos that she's still there and still in control!) Good luck to all of you.