Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Almost there!

So, I just realized that the next time I post something I'll be a doctor. Freaky. But, for now, for 55.5 more hours, I'm still a student. Hopefully I'll always be a "student of life," but atleast I'll get paid for it.

This past weekend I headed to Chicago for a roomie reunion with Amanda and Kimberly. 'Twas super fun to see them both! The weekend seemed to go by really slowly, which was a good thing. We ate a lot of delicious food, saw the Sex and the City movie, went to a rock and roll dueling piano bar (Howl at the Moon), and the Cubs game.

Then I came back late Sunday night, and re-entered reality, which is graduating, throwing a graduation party, and moving 1200 miles....and trying to afford it all, which is the most overwhelming of all to me.

So, I get hooded on Thursday night, followed by my graduation party on Friday. I have a couple family members coming, which should be fun. I have even made an itinerary and to-do list for everyone involved, so hopefully it will run smoothly. Maybe it's a control issue? Who knows.

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