Tuesday, December 18, 2007

UF-Jacksonville/Shands, Jacksonville, Florida, December 13, 2007

The program: Jacksonville has a pretty solid clinical program, with TONS of ICU and trauma rotations (4300 rotations a year), which I was really pumped about. However, they weren't very academic, and I even had a resident tell me that if academic was what I was looking for, then UF-Jacksonville wasn't the place for me. The residents that do do research usually have to go to a different location (Pittsburgh, Gainesville), and have a tendency NOT to return to Jacksonville.

The city: Jacksonville is a pretty nice town, really. It's the largest city in the nation, square-mile-wise (840 sq mi), and it feels like it. I rented a car (my first time ever), and got lost 3 times while pimping in my white PT Cruiser. Of course there are a ton of outdoor and water activities to partake in, and the entire city looks like the pictures above. However, the hospital is in a pretty bad part of town, and the residents even admitted that there are regularly transvestite prostitutes and homeless people milling around the hospital at night. Awesome.

The residents: So, the residents seemed a little like beach bums, to be quite honest. Many of them were bald and had big muscles (I know, you are thinking, that sounds perfect for you!), and spend all their post-call days at the beach ("Dude, if I leave the hospital at 12, I can totally be on the beach by 12:20" Seriously, that's what they said). They also frequently talked about hanging out with their attendings and "ripping it up." Not sure that's for me....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dad was born in Jacksonville so I've been there before. My great-grandma still lives there by herself.