Thursday, March 1, 2007

Where did I leave off? Oh yeah, Granada

So, our last full day in Granada was spent at the cathedral, which was enormous and gorgeous. Unfortunately, we missed the time for the Capilla Real, so we had to go on Tuesday. The Capilla Real is an enormous building which was built for Ferdinand and Isabella, and has both their coffins and some of their paraphenelia, including their crowns and septers. No photos were allowed, but, because I´m a criminal, I snagged a couple of shots.

Both Monday and Sunday nights we went ¨tapeando,¨ otherwise known as eating tapas at various bars, which is what Granada is known for. A tapa is just a fancy name for an appetizer. In all honesty, I´m really not that impressed with them. The purpose of eating tapas is a social thing, and sometimes you get free tapas when you order a drink. In addition, the tapas supposedly get better the more drinks you order and the later it gets into the night. So, a good portion of our nights were spent hurrying to finish drinks and the current tapa in order to see what the next tapa would be. Hmm. This can make it not as relaxing as I thought it should be. However, some of the tapas bars are really funky, and have pork legs hanging from the ceiling with these little funnels attached to catch the grease. Kind of cool, but I am still in perpetual fear of having pig grease drip on my head...

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