Friday, October 3, 2008

Hurricane Ike Update #30

Friday, October 3, 2008, 9:14pm

They have put most of the students up in the University of Texas dorms, and most of the residents, if they have no other options, are in a private dorm. These are some pictures of my dorm room/crappy hotel room that will be my home for the next 8+ weeks. Atleast I have my own bathroom, and I have an extra bed for visitors! They give me one meal per day at the dorm, and then I get two meals per day at the hospital, plus money for when I'm on call. Not a bad deal.

I also finally got my address and mailbox, so I have forwarded my mail. This also means that anyone who wants to provide some resources for the surgery residents in my program, please feel free to send things to this address, and I can distribute them as needed:

Casey Boyd, UTMB
2021 Guadalupe Street
Dobie Center, room 2503C
Austin, Texas, 78705

I personally don't need anything, but there are many, many other residents in my program that were no so lucky (see previous posts). Anything that can be given will be appreciated--I think giftcards would be best (Target, Home Depot, Walmart, Kroger (all on the island), Bed, Bath, and Beyond, etc).

Please let me know if there are any questions. :) Thanks to everyone who keeps reading these posts!!!!!! Your support means the world to us "refugees!"


Anonymous said...

I would just like to make note of the second photo ;-) You see how many clothes you have, and then look at how many DVDs there are! I guess you can watch a good movie in your scrubs! Fashion is highly over rated! I also notice all the orange!

Keep up the good work and the positive attitude. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

i agree w/ your Mom,but maybe they are books on tape. There is no requirement to wear Texas orange while offduty, not even in Austin!
Chris Corwin
your Mom's cousin(like my opinion means anything)

Casey said...

Ha, well I do have a dresser full of clothes as well. I figured I could be spending a lot of time in this dinky room, so I'd better come prepared. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Casey. My name is Matt and I am a journalism student in London, doing an article on Hurricane Ike and I would really like to do an interview with you. Would you be willing to talk to me? I would really appreciate your view on this tragic incident. my email is please contact me to let me know fi you are interested.

Anonymous said...

My daughter is a Sea Aggie. They moved them to college station for the rest of the semester and made us clear out their rooms so UTMB could have them. Since you are in Austin I am wondering if anyone is in those rooms.

I had to drive 600 miles in one day to clear out her room, I really hope it is being used.

Again, thank you for your blog. It helped so much right after the huricane and helps now.

Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't wear orange in Ire. What's the latest report?
Chris in Dallas