Monday, February 26, 2007

I´m alive!

Howdy friends! I´m here in Spain, it´s true. This is the first open ¨cafe de internet¨ that I have found, so I´ll do separate entries for each city.

Disclaimer: I´m typing this from a Spanish keyboard, so it may get botched just a little, so bear with me!


Upon arrival, I went immediately into panic mode, as I realized how NOT fluent I am in Spanish, how I had never been out of the country, and I know approximately zero people in the western hemisphere. I almost sat down and cried, but luckily I was able to pull myself together and find an information booth, where they told me I had to go through police control, up the escalator, outside, find a green bus, and take it to terminal 4. Now, I know a lot of airports have buses, but this was ridiculous. Terminal 4 was so far away, that the bus had to go on the highway to get there! I could no longer see Terminals 1-3 when we finally got there. Then the airport is stupid and doesn´t tell you what gate you´re at until 30 minutes beforehand, so I was pacing around trying to find gate ¨JHK¨ when really I should have just been sitting. But alas, I found the gate at 11:15, met up with Dan and Mia, and successfully boarded the plane for the 40 minute flight to Malaga.

See next post...

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