Monday, August 31, 2009

O-H-I-O is where it's at

So, I'm officially on vacation now, and I have to say...I'm a little bored. My vacation started Friday at noon, at which time I hopped on a plane to Minneapolis, and met my dad for a weekend of fun in my favorite city in the entire world. Even though the Twins lost, I did hit up the Mall of America and ate a Dome Dog, so it was worth it.

My plans for the remainder of my vacation include:

1. Sleeping
2. Studying (I start my surgical ICU rotation when I get back, which I'm really excited about)
3. Working on my research project (A retrospective study involving "The Effects of IntraOperative Pressors on PostOperative Surgical Wound Infections in Elective Colorectal Surgeries"--fascinating, I know)
4. Working out (Turbo Jam, here I come)
5. Eating all my favorite foods (thus #4)

As far as I know, we haven't had any hurricane scares this year, but then again, right now I have neither TV, internet, gas, or a dishwasher, so I don't really know much of anything that's going on in the outside world. Apparently I'm Amish. But I do know that I'm obsessed with Miley Cyrus' new song, "Party in the USA," and the Chipotle application for iPhone.

Oh, and that picture above is of our house in Galveston, right before we moved in.