Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm a survivor

Hello everyone!

So, I'm surviving down here. I survived the "hurricane," which was really only a few hours of wind and rain which caused everyone to freak out and buy up all the water at the grocery stores.

I'm also surviving my new rotation, Surgery B, which is mostly breast and colorectal. Haven't gotten to do too much, but that's ok with me. It's mostly outpatient procedures, so our census is never too large either.

On a more exciting note, Bunny came and visited for about 5 days last week. It was AWESOME to see her! It was just nice to have a familiar face, ya know? We didn't do anything too exciting, we mostly just ate tons of delicious food and watched a lot of Olympics. Oh yeah, and we saw The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, got our toenails done, and drove up toward Houston to eat Chipotle and Coldstone (totally worth the drive, by the way).

In other news, my first vacation is October 20-26. I'm hoping to actually come home October 17, but I'm gonna wait and check with the other resident on my service that month before I book my flight. Let the countdown begin (or continue!)! :)